Toolset Blog

Views 1.10 and Layouts 1.3 Improve Usability and Performance

We just released updates for all Toolset plugins for WordPress 4.3. Among this release, you will find Views 1.10 and…


August 17, 2015

How to Develop a Multilingual Real Estate Site with WordPress and no PHP

See how Antonio Almeida who considers himself as “a marketer who knows how to put things together with WordPress”, built…

Agnes Bury

August 11, 2015

Learn by doing

New ‘Getting started with Views’ Course

Views plugin can do a lot for you, but are you sure that you are getting the most of Views?…

Agnes Bury

August 6, 2015

Toolset Plugins are Compatible with WordPress 4.2.4

I’m guessing that this is a sensitive subject now, so just to confirm – yes, Toolset plugins work fine with…


August 5, 2015

Types and Views Updated for WordPress 4.2.3

We’ve just completed an intensive development cycle for Types and Views plugins, which completes compatibility with WordPress 4.2.3. Existing Toolset…


August 3, 2015

WordPress 4.2.3 Fixes a Security Problem but Breaks Sites with Shortcodes

The latest WordPress upgrade to 4.2.3 packed some last-minute changes related to a security hole on the shortcode parser. Unfortunately,…


July 23, 2015

How to Group Posts by Category

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a View displaying different categories along with a list of posts…


July 23, 2015

WordPress Themes Market Becoming Crowded? Join Toolset Team!

People are reporting a steady decline in sales of themes on Themeforest.  There is an interesting debate about why this…


July 13, 2015

Views 1.9, Layouts 1.2 and CRED 1.4 beta – Happiness Update #1

Three months ago, the entire Toolset team got together for discuss one question: “What would make our existing clients happier?”…


June 16, 2015

8 Ways to Improve the User Experience of Your WordPress Admin

He says he gets drunk to test your website, and he will charge you 500 bucks for it. Does this…

Agnes Bury

June 10, 2015

Toolset Starter Theme

Toolset Starter: A New Free Theme to Get Started with Toolset Plugins

We have just released a new theme. We named it Toolset Starter to reflect its main purpose: The theme was…

Agnes Bury

May 28, 2015

4 Hours Downtime for

Last night, an unfortunate human error caused to be down for several hours. We had to restore the site…


May 5, 2015