Toolset Blog

Toolset Divi Integration

Toolset fixes compatibility issues and introduces new features with Divi 3.0

In our recent news, we have announced a sharpened compatibility with some popular themes on the market such as Avada…


November 9, 2016

Custom Searches now Power Archives in Toolset Reference Sites

Custom search is one of the most powerful and popular features in Toolset. We just finished an update to all…


November 9, 2016

Types Plugins Temporarily Removed from the WPORG Repo, Back on Monday

Yesterday night (Friday, midnight here), we got a message from the WPORG repo maintainers that we need to address something…


November 5, 2016

Toolset fixes compatibility with Avada 5.0 and Customizr 3.4

Our priority is to offer you the possibility to use Toolset with the most popular themes on the market. Lately,…


October 31, 2016

Request a support video call

you know how a “picture is worth a thousand words” ? well imagine how many words in a video call…

Amit Kvint

October 24, 2016


Create a membership site with Toolset – new tutorials available

We have released a series of tutorials on how to create a membership sites using Toolset. Beginners will learn how…

Agnes Bury

October 19, 2016

See how Divi 3 Works with Toolset

Divi 3 was just released and we took it for a spin with Layouts. Bottom line, it’ working smoothly. Our…


September 12, 2016

Toolset and Page Builders – Now and Coming Soon

In the last releases of Toolset, we’ve been adding support for page builders. We see a lot of questions about…


September 4, 2016

Layouts 1.8.3 Fixes Rendering Issues Introduced With The 1.8 Version

Dear Layouts users, Riccardo here, Lead Developer for Toolset! In the latest release we’ve introduced a bunch of new features…

Riccardo Strobbia

August 30, 2016

How Post Relationship Replaces Post Reference and Repeating Fields

The next major feature for Toolset is “many to many relationship”. In this post, I want to introduce what’s planned…


August 26, 2016

Toolset Templates For Custom Post Type

Toolset 2.2 Adds Beaver Builder Integration, Relevanssi Integration, New Layouts Cells, Permission-based Access Control, and more

This major release of Toolset plugins comes packed with new features, allowing you to further enhance and simplify the way…


August 25, 2016

Using ManageWP To Update Toolset On All Your Client Sites

Are you building many Toolset-based sites for your clients? Need help managing updates for WordPress, plugins, and themes? We recently…


August 23, 2016