Types and Views Updated for WordPress 4.2.3


August 3, 2015

We’ve just completed an intensive development cycle for Types and Views plugins, which completes compatibility with WordPress 4.2.3. Existing Toolset sites can now run on WordPress 4.2.3 without any changes in content or Views.

When WordPress 4.2.3 was released, it included unannounced changes to the shortcodes API. These changes caused many sites running Toolset plugins to misbehave. This update allows all Toolset sites to work on WordPress 4.2.3 without the need for any changes in the sites.

Views 1.9.1 looks and works exactly like the previous Views 1.9, except that the entire shortcodes rendering is updated. Instead of passing entire chunks of HTML to WordPress, Views preprocesses and passes only individual shortcodes to WordPress to expand. This makes Views 1.9.1 completely compatible with this and future changes to the shortcodes API and makes Toolset-based sites robust.

Types 1.7.8 handles custom fields in a secure way, according to the new guidelines in WordPress 4.2.3. Fields are sanitized both on save and on render. Admins can select posts that will still allow HTML content in fields. This prevents users that are not admins to write content that can exploit the entire site.

Download and update

You should update both Types and Views together in your sites. Types will appear as an automatic update from WordPress.org. Views will be available for automatic update if you’ve registered your site. See the complete list of changes and update instructions for more details.

Still need help with WordPress 4.2.3?

We’ve made every effort to cover all cases related to the changes in WordPress 4.2.3. Our testing and feedback that we received from dozens of clients show that all problems are resolved.

If you are still having trouble with your sites after updating to WordPress 4.2.3, we recommend:

  • Make sure that all plugins and your theme are updated.
  • Identify the specific pages on your site that are displaying incorrectly.
  • See if it’s potentially related to Toolset. If problems are inside Views, Content Templates or Types fields, we need to know about it.
  • Create a new thread in our technical support forum. Show us the page and paste the meta-HTML from the View/Content Template. Explain which fields are not displaying correctly.


Comments 8 Responses

  1. Thanks Amir. It was too bad that the team got side tracked with these unexpected compatibility fixes, but I appreciate the quick and positive response.

    I have the sense that some more awesomeness is on the horizon. When you get a chance can you please share the upcoming road map?

    • Fortunately, Toolset developers created that patch for WordPress 4.2.3 in a way that allows us to apply it very quickly to the development branch. So, we’re back to work on Views 1.10 without additional delay. Most of the new features are already implemented. We’ll release a first beta next week. Hope you’ll like it 🙂

  2. Amir –
    Kudos to the Toolset team for this expedient fix.
    I am a bit perplexed because I have not been able to identify any Types/Views related problems with my site, yet the entire site was built upon them from the earlier days (almost 2 years ago now). I read your previous blog post on the WP 4.2.3 problem but, would like a more precise explanation of what could break in using shortcodes. Further, while I appreciate your explanation above regarding the fix, could you give more detail on how this now work So?

    As always, thanks for an excellent set of plugins.

    • @jeffs-2

      Due to *extreme* caching I was able to limit functionality issues on every site I manage, bar one (in development that required login on front end.).

      I’d also like to commend the Toolset team for staying at it with a complex fix. Really looking forward to new views beta. Would love to see REST one day, rather than just shortcodes.

  3. Does this update remove previously included custom field types? Is the ‘Multiple lines’ custom field type available? Does it include or add an extra line break if not using ‘raw’ output?

    • This update doesn’t change or remove any field type. We make sure to keep backward compatibility always. Types still has a ‘visual editor’ field, which you can use for long texts in multiple lines. The new ‘raw’ output allows you to disable the automatic new-line and paragraph insertion that WordPress does. If you use a Visual Editor field and don’t wrap texts in the new ‘raw’ code, line breaks will appear in the output. If you do use the new ‘raw’ code, new lines will not appear in the output.

      Does this help?

      • Excellent Amir! Just wanted to make sure! I couldn’t find any documentation on the field type so I wasn’t sure if it had been discontinued. Great to know that those extra breaks are there! Was starting to question my coding.