Views lets you filter query results using custom fields. This way, you can load the exact content you need, depending on custom field values.

You can filter by as many custom fields as you need, filter by hard-coded values or let visitors choose filter values.

On this page:

  1. Inputs reference
  2. Examples
  3. More reading

1. Inputs Reference

In the Query Filter section of a View, click Add a filter. You will see different filter options. Choose a custom field and you will get to this dialog:

Filtering Views Query by Custom Fields
Filtering Views Query by Custom Fields

This dialog includes a wealth of filtering options. Let’s go through them.

Comparison function

The comparison function is the function that Views will use to compare between the custom-field value and the filter value.

Values for this field correspond to the MySQL comparison functions:

Comparison function Arguments Purpose
= Single value Checks if the custom field value exactly matches the compare value
!= Single value Checks if the custom field value doesn’t match the exact compare value
> Single value Checks if the custom field value is greater than the compare value
>= Single value Checks if the custom field value is greater than, or equals, the compare value
< Single value Checks if the custom field value is less than the compare value
<= Single value Checks if the custom field value is less than, or equals, the compare value
LIKE Single value Checks if the custom field value is similar to the compare value, using MySQL LIKE operator
NOT LIKE Single value Checks if the custom field value is not similar to the compare value, using MySQL NOT LIKE operator
IN A list of values Checks if the custom field value is within the list of compare values
NOT IN A list of values Checks if the custom field value is not within the list of compare values
BETWEEN Two values Checks if the custom field value is between the two compare values
NOT BETWEEN Two values Checks if the custom field value is not between the two compare values

Compare value type

In order for comparison functions to work correctly, you need to tell Views what’s the data type you’re comparing to. For example, if your data type is a string, you must compare it to another string, to get the correct results.

Value types can be one of these:

Data type Purpose
CHAR Texts
BINARY True / false
DATE Dates
DATETIME Date and time
DECIMAL Decimal values
SIGNED Signed decimal values
UNSIGNED Signed decimal values

Source for compare value

You can filter according to constants (values that you determine when setting up the View), by time functions, by values that visitors will specify in custom searches, by time functions or by values set by Views shortcode attributes.

Value source Description Purpose
Constant A value that you specify when setting up the View For example, to choose only ‘featured’ posts
URL parameter The value for the filter is set in the URL to the page This will let you create custom searches filters for Views, where visitors can control what the View will show.
Shortcode attribute The value for the filter comes from an attribute in the View shortcode You’ll be able to insert the same View in different places and control content filtering via the View Shortcode.
NOW The current time (in seconds) Lets you filter content relative to the current time
TODAY Today’s time (doesn’t change from hour 0 to hour 23) Lets you filter content relative to the current day
FUTURE_DAY TODAY + a number of days set in the second field Lets you filter content relative a certain number of days from today
PAST_DAY TODAY – a number of days set in the second field Lets you filter content relative a certain number of days before today
THIS_MONTH Current month (doesn’t change during the month) Lets you filter content relative to the current month
FUTURE_MONTH Current month + a number of months set in the second field Lets you filter content relative to a future month
PAST_MONTH Current month – a number of months set in the second field Lets you filter content relative to a past month
THIS_YEAR Current year (doesn’t change during the year) Lets you filter content relative to the current year
FUTURE_YEAR Current year + a number of years set in the second field Lets you filter content relative to a future year
PAST_YEAR Current year – a number of years set in the second field Lets you filter content relative to a past year
SECONDS_FROM_NOW Current time + a number of seconds Lets you filter content relative to a future time, calculated in seconds from now
MONTHS_FROM_NOW Current time + a number of months Lets you filter content relative to a future time, calculated in months from now
YEARS_FROM_NOW Current time + a number of years Lets you filter content relative to a future time, calculated in years from now
These values represent the beginning of the source. For example, THIS_MONTH returns a value representing the beginning of the current month. In case that you want to get results from the whole current month, you should use a comparison like THIS_MONTH <= post_date < FUTURE_MONTH(1).

2. Examples

Get all posts with 'House Type'='villa'
Get all posts with ‘House Type’=’villa’

Get all posts that 'House Type' is 'villa' or 'apartment'
Get all posts that ‘House Type’ is ‘villa’ or ‘apartment’

Get posts published the current month
Get posts published the current month

3. More Reading

  • Need to filter by date and time? Real more about Views date filters.
  • Want to allow visitors to filter content? Learn about custom searches.