Portfolio items in a three column grid using Bootstrap 4 cards. Each cell contains a photo with the name, description, a button linking to the details and a category.
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Portfolio items in a three column grid using Bootstrap 4 cards. Each cell contains a photo with the name, description, a button linking to the details and a category.
The messaging system provides users with an immediate way to chat with contractors in a seamless conversation. It is built upon a single custom post type.
Portfolio items in a three column grid. Each cell contains a large photo with the name, description and category below. At the bottom of the cell is a link. There are filters at the top of the page.
The testimonials appear in a single column list. Each testimonial contains a rounded image of the individual on the left with their content and personal details next to it.
Members appear in a three column grid. Each cell has a header image with a small round photo of the member below it, overlapping slightly. Below is their name and position followed by a description at the bottom.
The portfolio items are in a two column grid. Each cell has a photo of the item as the background. Overlaying it are the category, name, excerpt, a gallery of further images and a link for more information.
The portfolio items are in one wide column. There is a large photo of the item on the left of each cell. Besides it are the name, category, description and also smaller photos of the item which can be enlarged.
The testimonials appear in a three column grid. Within each testimonial, there is a round photo of the individual at the top with their testimonial in quote text below it. At the bottom are their personal details.
The testimonials appear in a three-column grid. Each cell consists of the individual’s feedback with a small round photo of them and their personal details in capital letters below the content.
Members appear in a two column grid. On the left of each cell is a large photo with their position, name and description beside it on the right. Underneath each photo are icons which display contact details when you hover.
The members appear in a wide single column list. Each cell contains a large photo of the member on the left with their name, position, description and contact details beside it.
The members appear in a three column grid. Each cell contains a large photo of them with their name, position, description and contact details below.
Portfolio items in a three column grid. Each cell contains a large photo with the name, description and category below. At the bottom of the cell is a link. There are filters at the top of the page.
A category listing in a two column grid. Each cell contains a large photo of the post with its title and an excerpt below. At the bottom are two similar posts with a smaller photo and title.
House search with simple and advanced filters. The properties are displayed in a grid and also on a Google map.
Custom Single Product layout. The layout includes standard WooCommerce product fields arranged in two columns to reflect the original design of the WooCommerce template. It also includes a custom field and a custom taxonomy.
The custom layout for the WooCommerce shop page and product archives displays the products in a two column Bootstrap grid. In each cell the product image is on the left while you will find the title, description, sizes/colors and price besides it.