Toolset Starter Theme is a clean and modern Bootstrap-based theme, designed to help you get started using Toolset plugins.
In our documentation pages, you can find instructions on how to install and use Toolset starter theme.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us what you want to achieve.
Toolset Layouts provides an Export/Import feature (Toolset > Export/Import > Layouts) that allows exporting either Export layouts to theme directory, or Export and download layouts.
The first will export each existing Layout as a .ddl file, the existing CSS as a .css file and the Layouts Settings as a .json file into the Theme's Directory.
It will not export JS saved.
It will not allow later to import back the .json file, because only .zip, .ddl or .css files are allowed in import.
Moreover, this is misleadingly described in the GUI and needs clear hints what-what does/is.
The issue was that the toolset starter theme was deprecated.
I must apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. I can admit that better communication was needed with customers before we stop supporting this theme.
The issue here is that the user wanted to create a way for users to contact sellers and for sellers to email their users.
So the initiation would need to be done on the product where a customer when creating the message would need to know the user email and vice versa.
What you can do is to create a CPT called messages and then add that form to the product page, where the user can fill in their information such as name, email and message.
Once the user submits then this message record gets saved on your site and the product owner gets a copy of the email as well as the email of the user who sent the message. From here they can begin the communication through email.
Now you see where you I have the types custom field providing the default value for the field. You will need to substitute it with the correct field name to get your email field value.
Next add this so that this hidden field doesn't show on the frontend.
Finally just create a notification that send the message to this email field.