Not sure which to use: post fields or user fields
Started by: Bob
in: Toolset Professional Support
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The issue here is that the user wanted to know if its better to use User fields or Post Fields.
In this case the user was advised to create a profile CPT and allow his users to create a profile on the profile CPT. If you are using a CPT to store the user's profile then its best to use a Post Field. Otherwise you will need to use User Fields.
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6 years, 9 months ago
Confusion between Views a7 Layouts
Started by: hollyG
in: Toolset Professional Support
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6 years, 9 months ago
Step by Step Classifieds Instruction Video.
Started by: melT
in: Toolset Professional Support
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6 years, 9 months ago
Agnes Bury
Attaching existing site users to custom posts types
Started by: madhuM
in: Toolset Professional Support
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How to connect users and posts?
There are three ways to connect users to posts.
The simplest and preferred method is to make the users the authors of the posts, thereby using the built-in means of connecting posts to users with no additional overhead.
There may be reasons why that is not possible, the main problem typically being that you can only assign a single author to a post.
A second option would be to create a custom field for post "owner" that stored the ID of the associated user. By making this a repeating field, you could connect multiple users.
The final method would be to make a custom post type for users which stores additional profile info for an individual user (who you make author of the post), and this custom post can then be connected to other post types using Types post relationships.
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6 years, 9 months ago
Auto “expire” all of an authors posts on specific date
Started by: coetzeeG
in: Toolset Professional Support
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6 years, 9 months ago
Christian Cox
Customize rss feed
Started by: coetzeeG
in: Toolset Professional Support
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6 years, 9 months ago
Search not performing as expected
Started by: coetzeeG
in: Toolset Professional Support
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Search not working correctly on installed Classifieds site for price field
You should check your view that displays the search filter and double check that correct "Query filter" is added for your each filter at "Query filter" section.
You can find the proposed solution, in this case, with the following reply:
=> https://toolset.com/forums/topic/search-not-performing-as-expected/#post-616723
Relevant Documentation:
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6 years, 9 months ago
No user information shown on a Layout user Archive
Started by: coetzeeG
in: Toolset Professional Support
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I created a Layout with a User Archive as a cell and inserted some user fields in the loop of the View Archive.
They do not display on the front end of the author archive.
Make sure that the user is the author of at least a post.
Otherwise, WordPress does not know what to display and have nothing to display with our ShortCodes.
A user needs to be an author to appear on an author archive.
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6 years, 9 months ago
How to change Classifieds reference site email notifications
Started by: coetzeeG
in: Toolset Professional Support
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Problem: I would like to know how to make some changes to the email notifications sent by CRED in the Classifieds reference site. I would like to change the "from" address to match the message sender, and I would like to include the corresponding Ad title in the message.
Include a hidden generic field that captures the listing title in the form. Then use that field value in your email notification. You can edit the form here:
Since the listing ID shows up in the URL where the form is displayed, you can access that ID using the wpv-search-term shortcode like this:
[wpv-search-term param='listing-id']
Then you can figure out the Listing Title from that ID like this:
[wpv-post-title id="[wpv-search-term param='listing-id']"]
Insert that as the value of your generic field:
[cred_generic_field field='listing_title' type='hidden' class='' urlparam='']
"default":"[wpv-post-title id='[wpv-search-term param='listing-id']']"
Then you can use that title in your CRED notification with this shortcode:
[wpv-post-field name="listing_title"]
and the from address is not from the sender.
There's not an easy way to select the current User's ID as the "from" address in the notification editor. You can use the CRED API method cred_mail_header to modify the "From:" email header programmatically.
Here's an example:
//Customise CRED notifications
add_filter('cred_mail_header', 'customise_cred_message_from', 10, 5);
function customise_cred_message_from( $headers, $formid, $postid, $notification_name, $notification_number ) {
if ($formid==12345 && $notification_number==67890) {
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$myheaders = array( 'From: ' . $current_user->user_email );
return array_merge($headers, $myheaders);
return $headers;
Modify 12345 to match your CRED form ID, and change 67890 to match the notification index (zero if no other notifications exist for this form)
Relevant Documentation:
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6 years, 9 months ago
Help with My Account page
Started by: coetzeeG
in: Toolset Professional Support
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In my case I require the use of author pages and a customer does seem to allow this.
Now when you change the user role to customer and try to visit the author page it leads no where, just back to the home page.
It is not related with Toolset plugins, you can simply deactivate all other plugins(including Toolset plugins), except Woocommerce plugin, you should be able to see the same problem:
There isn't author archive page for customer user
It should be a limitation of Woocommerce plugin
Relevant Documentation:
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6 years, 9 months ago
Luo Yang
system requirements for running Toolset without problems
Started by: Franco Calcagni
in: Toolset Professional Support
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6 years, 9 months ago
Help with organization custom post
Started by: faustoT
in: Toolset Professional Support
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6 years, 10 months ago
Christian Cox
integrating custom taxonomy on product page
Started by: yaeln
in: Toolset Professional Support
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6 years, 10 months ago
Search box on WordPress Dashboard is not working for a custom post type
Started by: XicoOfficial
in: Toolset Professional Support
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I am trying to: do a search through the list of posts(events) inside the WordPress Dashboard, but the search function is not working.
I expected to see: when I type a search term and hit the button "Search Events" I expect to get the list of Events that match those keywords.
Instead, I got: I got the list of all the events, like if I wouldn't have tiped any keyboard.
The problem you mentioned above is abnormal, in case it is a compatibility problem, please try this:
deactivate other plugins and switch to wordpress default theme, and test again
Relevant Documentation:
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6 years, 10 months ago
Multi Page Forms
Started by: AlexanderN4266
in: Toolset Professional Support
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6 years, 10 months ago