Access plugin lets you control what sections different user roles can reach in the WordPress admin and on the front-end. You can create your own custom roles and choose exactly what administration capabilities they have on the site.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the roles that you want to create and the desired capabilities of these roles.
Viewing 15 topics - 106 through 120 (of 170 total)
Toolset doesn's seem to apply any rule (wether post type, post group or WPML group) to the as "shop" designated page used with WooCommerce.
How can we control who can see the ship with Toolset Access?
Toolset Access allows the control over Post Types - hence if you control products (the post type "products") with Toolset Access and remove reading rights from a role as an example, that role still can see the shop "page" itself but no products listed in it.
Hiding the single Shop "page" by controlling the post Type "Page" or with a Post Group or even WPML group doesn't work.
This is because the Shop "page" becomes an archive as soon you designate it for WooCommerce's shop "page".
Archives cannot be controlled directly by Access but only it's contents (the products, in this case).
This is the same on any other archive (taxonomy, post, etc).
When my post type plural name has non-latin characters then users below Adminsitrators cannot access that post type even if allowed so by Toolset Access settings.
The issue here is that the user wanted some information on Toolset and Learn Dash along with Divi
Seeing that Learn Dash is a premium plugin I wouldn't be able to access it and test its features. However you should still be able to create your custom role and manage their permissions using Access.
From what I can see in our forum as well there hasn't been any major issues with using access and learn dash together given that you'll be using it for the custom role.
Secondly you can use the divi theme since for basic functionality the theme works well with our toolset plugins. However there are some current issues and conflicts that our team is currently working on resolving.