Toolset Reference Sites are fully working sites, which you can use as the starting point for client projects.
Toolset Classifieds is a framework with optional paid content for building WordPress classifieds sites. Among other features, it offers advanced search, front-end submission and optional paid ads.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us what you have built so far and what you want to achieve.
Problem: I'm trying to use Layouts, WPBakery Page Builder, and the Newspaper theme together but I'm not able to get my page templates to appear as expected.
Solution: Toolset Layouts and WPBakery should not be used together, so it's best to deactivate the Layouts plugin. The Newspaper theme doesn't work out-of-the-box with Content Templates, but you can follow the steps in our Theme Support for Content Templates document to help fix that problem.
Add this function name in Toolset > Settings > Frontend Content > Theme support for Content Templates:
Problem: I am unable to set up the Classifieds Reference site on a multisite installation because it says I must have Astra, OceanWP, or GeneratePress installed and active on the network. I already have Astra active on the network.
Solution: We have released an update to the installer that should resolve this issue.
For example, if you have 3 layers of terms:
- Parent
-- Child
Each has several posts added to it, which you can display in a separate list, that you can reach starting on a Page where only "GrandParent" posts are shown and links to "Parent" and "Child".
To do that:
- create a View that queries your Taxonomy and set a filter as in:
"Select taxonomy terms whose parent is None."
- Add some post information to the loop, or any other data you want to display
- Add the View to any page and see in the front end only data about grand parent terms
- Now add a View which again queries the Taxonomy, this time has a Query filter as:
"Parent is the taxonomy selected by the parent Taxonomy View"
- Again complete the Loop with the information you want to display
- Now insert this View to the loop of the View you created first (and inserted to the page)
- Reload that page and see, that now you have a list of Grandparent Terms and a list of Parent Terms.
- Repeat these steps for the lowest "Child" terms and insert the View to the second created View.
This can be repeated for basically as many times you want.
It allows you to query the data depending on the currently looped content, and link to whatever related page/post/taxonomy term.
You would need to add there HTML and CSS yourself to group and style it like you show, but with the Toolset Views Loop Wizard you should already be able to cut a good part of that as well.
Problem: I would like to add some new Ad Packages to the Toolset Classifieds site.
Solution: A large portion of the functionality of the Classifieds reference site is built into the custom code of the Classifieds plugin. This plugin was written explicitly for the reference site, and it's not easily Ad Packages aren't going to just work out-of-the-box, and customization of the existing packages is not advisable. I consider it more of a "here's what can be accomplished with some custom code" reference tool than a "here's fully-featured site you can start with" starter kit.
We have had other Users attempt to extend the reference site to work in a real-world application, and it always involves extensive code knowledge. I cannot suggest it if you're not an experienced developer. If you need assistance with that type of customization, we do have a Contractors portal available where you can connect with professional developers who may be able to assist. You can find our portal available here:
Problem: I need to create a nested View structure.
- Edit the View called "Listing subcategories".
- Scroll down to the Loop Output section and place your cursor just after the taxonomy link tag, before the closing wpv-loop tag. The taxonomy link tag is highlighted in the screenshot here.
- Click the "Fields and Views" button above the editor and insert the View called "Listing subsubcategories" just after the taxonomy link. The default configurations for the View should be fine.
Problem: I am using the wpv-current-user shortcode to display the current User's display_name in a CRED form success message, but I would like to show their first and last name instead.
Solution: Remove the wpv-current-user shortcode and use the Fields and Views button to insert the correct information instead.