Access is a WordPress plugin that lets you add custom roles and control their privileges.
Access User Guides include detailed documentation for controlling what actions different roles and users can do on content and what WordPress admin screens users can access.
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Allow users to see the edit link of their own posts.
In order to achieve this you will need to make use of our conditional shortcode to wrap your edit link shortcode inside the conditional.
Here is the conditional below that you will need to use.
[wpv-conditional if="('[wpv-current-user info='id']' eq '[wpv-post-author meta='ID']')"]
Edit Post link goes here
Essentially this is checking if the ID of the currently logged in user is the same as the author of the current post being viewed.
Once both IDs are the same then the text "Edit Post link goes here" will display. You will need to replace this text with the actual shortcode of the edit link.