I want to only send the email if a checkbox is "checked" for any given post.
I set up this field and was expecting it to show up in the email notification configuration options of Toolset Forms.
However, it does not appear as an available custom field.
That condition basically listens to what you inserted to the Form Content Editor
So if there the field is not present, it cannot be in the notification settings
You may want to make sure you first autogenerate the form.
A View shows posts in a slider. Client would like to manipulate the order that the posts appear in the slider.
You can choose to order by a built-in WordPress option, called menu order, which is very little used but which can help you here.
Edit your post type at Toolset > Post Types and in the block "Sections to display when editing..." be sure to check the option for page attributes.
Now when you edit these custom posts on the edit screen in a page attributes metabox you will see an Order option, where you can enter numerical values which can be used by your View to manually set the order of slides.