"are you trying to tell me that view can only be used for multiple posts and i am doing wrong using it for single post ?"
It is not wrong, but it is the main purpose of a Loop, to produce several results.
A view, usually is used for display many posts, as if you want to display just one post, you can use either the post itself, or a Content Template for example.
However, in a Single Post, there is no Loop, there is no auto-incremental triggering at all.
"are you tyring to tell me this plugin is a bad choice and i should cancel the subscription ?"
If your only requirement from Toolset is a feature that counts incrementally a number in a single Post upon some (unknown) values, then yes, I am sorry the Toolset does not offer this kind of feature and cannot, as there is no way without a loop to produce an incrementing value, and within the Toolset Views Loop we have no such specific ShortCode, as it is usually possible to replace with the Post ID or other unique values, or, as you show, with the simple Custom ShortCode, which works great in a Views loop.
"I got n number of tabs in a loop
do let me know how to create unique records ( keep in mind i am creating a view to display single post. here is the link to the page"
As said, this is not possible.
Try to achieve the same with PHP, you would see that this is not possible from it's logic.
1. To loop, you need several items
2. With several items you can loop and repeat things or add unique things to the single items in the loop
So, to generate a HTML that adds as many "items" of something (tabs, buttons, links, whatever it may be) we need many items to produce (for each) such an element.
In the View you have now, there is only one element, hence there will be only one output tab, for example.
What you would need to do is loop over the Items that should defined how many tabs there are (and in Views, this can be Posts, Users or Taxonomy Terms)
Then, you add the HTML that for each such item (Post, user or term) produces the HTML you want.
That then is populated with each pots, users or taxonomy single data (like title, or so)
Each tab (or any other HTML you added in the loop) will then be made for/by each single post looped in there.
Does that clear up things?
On a Single post, you cannot do that, as there is no loop that returns many things.
(Unless, as above shown you use a View of posts or users or taxonomies...)
Please let me know if there are unclarities left.