I am trying to:
Create a WordPress archive page with custom fields of the taxonomy.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
I expected to see:
Custom fields of the taxonomy.
Instead, I got:
No way to add custom fields of that taxonomy.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a custom taxonomy (eg Event Organizer) through Taxonomies -> Add New
2. Add custom fields group to the Event Organizer taxonomy through Custom Fields -> Term fields -> Add new (let's call that field group 'Event Organizer Fields' which contains telephone number, email, website address etc.)
3. create a custom archive for Event Organizers - go to WordPress Archives -> Add New -> select 'Event Organizer'
4. you cannot add 'Event Organizer Fields' to that archive 🙁 so eg I cannot print Event Organizer's telephone number/email/website on top of their page
Welcome to Toolset support and I'd be happy to assist.
Your observation is correct and at the moment, the option to use the taxonomy fields as a dynamic source in the block's settings is not available.
We have some internal tickets to introduce this in future releases, however, I don't have a time estimate to share at this time.
For now, the workaround would be to insert a "Fields and Text" block in the archive and use Toolset Type's shortcode, to show the custom field data from the current term:
[types termmeta="term-field-slug"][/types]
You'll change the "term-field-slug" with your actual custom field's slug and here is a guide on using the Toolset Types shortcodes: