Even - You should go to your account's projects page and follow the wizard that will give you most important links you need to review for your projects:
=> https://toolset.com/account/projects/
The post title is the permalink, looks like mysite.com/product/post-title, but in Chinese, the post title as a part of URL will makes some older browsers not be compatible, some plugin can make it as PinYin, I do want to set the post id as URL of product page.
The issue here is that the user is getting the content template debug information on his pages.
To remove this message please go to Toolset->Settings -> Frontend Content -> Theme support for Content Templates and ensure that "Enable theme support debugging" is not checked.
The issue here is that the user is using the Woocommerce booking calendars but the calendar is showing on their custom product page.
I'm assuming that the booking plugin automatically hooks into the default woocommerce template. Since we are using a custom template then it may not work here.
If the booking plugin provide a shortcode that you can use to manually load the calendar then you should be able to add it to your custom template.
What you can try if you have not already done so is to contact the booking plugin support theme and check to see if there is an alternate method to loading the calendar. If there is then we should be able to use this and load the calendar into your custom template.