Toolset Maps is a WordPress plugin that allows you to add address fields to any content type or users and display any content on Google Maps.
Toolset Maps User Guides include detailed documentation for creating these special address fields, adding pointers to them and displaying them on maps.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 15 topics - 976 through 990 (of 1,124 total)
I want to display distance in search results with the new [toolset-maps-distance] shortcode using the url parameter from the search and the address field from the results.
You use shortcode [wpv-conditional] shortcode to check if the distance shortcode's value isn't empty, then display the content, for example:
I have 2 custom fields (numbers). One is the lat and one is the long value for coordinates. The ccordinates are like this:
Field lat: 44.00502022
Field lng: 10.60029922
Every house has two fields for the coordinates. I have around 14.000 house objects. Is it possible to show all the objects on one map and how do i have to configure the view with this custom fields?
Yes, it is possible, you can create a post view, query "house objects" posts, display a map shortcode, in the Views loop, setup the attributes "lat" and "lon" of marker shortcode as your custom fields "Field lat" and "Field lng" values, see our document:
lat and lon. Optional, both default to empty. Another optional source of the marker location, allows to display a marker given its latitude and longitude coordinates. Both values need to be passed.
A REQUEST_DENIED error message occurs trying to use Google Maps.
The API key needs to be set up to use both the Maps and Places APIs. Also, it may be necessary to set up a second unrestricted key for server-to-server requests.
Problem: I would like to place a map mark at a specific latitude and longitude. The value of that latitude should be defined by the results of a View. The longitude should be defined by the results of a different View. When I insert the View shortcode in the map marker shortcode, the marker doesn't show up correctly.
Solution: Instead of placing the View inside the lat or long attribute, move the entire marker shortcode inside the View.