Types plugin lets you easily create relationships between different post types and connect them using GUI controls. You can also connect multiple post types and build many-to-many post relationships.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us what you have created so far and the structure that you want to achieve.
Viewing 15 topics - 496 through 510 (of 641 total)
Problem: I have a Form that edits a parent post type. This parent post type has two different child post types. I would like to show a single select field containing all the child posts from both post types, and allow Users to select one parent and one child to associate with one another.
Solution: There's nothing exactly like this built in to Forms. You might be able to achieve something similar with custom code. Use a View to populate a generic select field with parent posts. Use another View to populate a generic select field with child posts from both post types. Then use the PHP APIs to link the two posts programmatically.
Problem: I would like some advice on whether to use custom fields or taxonomies for some data.
Solution: The main difference between using a custom field and using a taxonomy is archives. WordPress automatically creates archives for each taxonomy term at a URL like yoursite.com/taxonomy/term, which hold a list of all posts where that term is applied. That list is syndicated to your feed URLs. Custom fields do not have automatic archives, so you would not have automatic archive lists created for those.
There are some limitations to using custom field values in conditionals, as described in the conditional documentation.
There are also some nuances to the types of inputs that can be used for each custom field type in a custom search View or in a Form. For example, there is no auto-suggest field type in Forms for custom fields, but it does exist for terms in flat taxonomies.