CRED plugin allows you to create forms to register users from your website's front-end. You can also enable the option to charge payments for user registration, creating membership sites that sell subscription to your visitors.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the settings of your user form.
Problem: I would like to restrict access to posts using Toolset Access and a custom field on each post that stores a numeric User ID. The User whose ID is stored in the custom field should have access to the post, but no one else should. This doesn't seem to be working as expected.
Solution: The "own" or ownership referred to in Access can only be defined as the post author, not a custom field value or any other association type. In other words, the post's author is the only owner of a post, as far as Access is concerned. If you'd like to use this Access feature to limit or allow editing of "own" posts, you must set each User as the author of their own post(s).
To restrict access to editing posts with Forms, you must use the Toolset Forms tab in Toolset > Access Control to modify the access settings per Form.