Layouts plugin allows you to design and customize the front-end display of your website. You can design entire pages, including header, footer, menus, content and all other elements.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the design that you want to achieve and the layouts that you have created so far.
Viewing 15 topics - 196 through 210 (of 301 total)
Problem: I am using the Roam theme. My WordPress Archives are displaying content, but the title of each archive page is "Archive". I would like to display the name of the post type instead, but I cannot change it in the WordPress Archive.
Solution: If you want to modify the title of any archive, it looks like you can register your own filter in the archive PHP file corresponding to that archive, and add any arbitrary text. For example, if you have a custom post type with the slug "job-opening", then you will copy the archive.php file from the parent roam directory into your child theme directory and change the name to archive-job-opening.php. Just before the line get_header();, insert your filter like this:
The issue here is that the user was using the fusion builder custom query block to display the posts on a page but wanted to add the custom fields that are attached to those posts.
The problem is that the query widget is separate from the module being used the display custom fields.
In this case it won't work, unless you are able to customize the output of the Post Query and add this code to that query.
This is why it is not working because it is not able to get any post information from the post query. Why not recreate this setup in views ?
If not what I recommend that you do is contact the plugin author and see if it is possible to customize the output, this way we might be able to get the ID to pass into the shortcode.
I would highly recommend using views for this as this is exactly what views is meant to do.
I have a very large Layout which stopped working. The Types shortcodes no longer render on that one specific Layout. The Views shortcodes still work.
Content template cell's data is stored as a independent custom post in database table wp_posts, but visual editor cell's data is stored in a custom field, so when you are using large data, it is recommended to use content template cell instead of visual editor cell.
Customizing checkboxes on wpv-control-postmeta
You should create a custom shortcode that checks the value of selected checkbox using URL param and return the checked attribute accordingly.
Conditional Output in Visual Editor Cell - check multiple fields with and as well as or clause using the conditional statement with custom shortcode