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Topic Tag: Controlling access to front-end content
Access plugin allows you to limit front-end read access to specific pages, posts or custom types and define who will be able to access that content. It also provides the functionality to set access control for specific blocks inside page content, in order to place texts that are visible to or hidden from certain user types.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us on which content and user types you are trying to apply access control.
Viewing 15 topics - 316 through 330 (of 338 total)
The issue here is that the user wanted to hide a specific woocommerce product with our plugins and not allow it to show in the shop page.
Unfortunately even if product is marked as restricted it will still show on the product page but the user won't be able to view the actual product.
What you can do is try this plugin s2 Member (Free)
The issue here is that the user's homepage is replaced with a login form for guests.
In this case it seems that the user had setup access permissions for their homepage to block guests. If you are experiencing this issue please check the access settings for your page.
Problem: Is it possible to allow Guests to create posts by submitting Forms? I have set permissions for these Forms in Access Controls, but I'm still having problems submitting the Forms.
Solution: In this case, it looks like the transcript field ( file upload field ) is required. Guests, by default, are not allowed to upload Media. In order for a Guest to be able to upload a file to the Media Library, you must use custom code to allow that permission. I added this code to your functions.php file:
add_action( 'admin_init','reset_guest_caps' ,9 );
function reset_guest_caps(){
global $current_user, $wpcf_access;
if(isset($_GET['formid']) && $_GET['formid']==126&&$current_user->ID==0)