Problem: I have created a Content Template in WPBakery to display archive loops, but the row and column styles I applied in the WPBakery builder are not applied to the rows and columns on the front-end of the site.
Solution: At this time, row and column styles applied in WPBakery builder are not applied to Content Template loops. The best suggestion is to give rows and columns CSS classnames in the builder, then apply your styles to these CSS classes using basic CSS.
Repeating Fields in Cred Form using cpt in dropdowns
you can not use post reference field with repeatable groups as its not supported.
Another thing is that - you can not use repeatable groups with CRED form because Toolset Repeatale Groups is based on posts, each item of repeatable field group is a single post, but Toolset form (CRED) can create/edit only one post in each form, it can not create the multiple posts in one Toolset form.
Latest plugin update solved the problem We always recommend to run your site with latest stable release plugin version.
*** Please make a FULL BACKUP of your database and website.***
You can download latest plugin release from your accounts page: