Hi Martin,
Thank you for sharing the access details.
To give you an idea, on how to show related content through a view, I've created an example view "View to show all dogs related to an event":
hidden link
I would recommend focussing on the following points:
1. To show the information from all the connected dogs, I've set "Content Selection" to "Events Dogs Intermediary Posts".
2. For the "Ordering" section, I've selected "Select - 7e0ad2ec" field in ascending order.
3. In the "Query Filter" section, I've specified to show only those posts which are in a relationship with the current post that is being viewed (which in this case would be an event post).
4. In the "Loop Editor" section, I've set the results to show in an ordered list. But you can use the "Loop Wizard" button to change that as needed.
( screenshot: hidden link )
5. In the "Templates for this View" section, I've added only the shortcodes to show the title of the "Dog" and the position secured. You can add/adjust fields by clicking the "Fields and Views" button ( screenshot: hidden link ) or by adding field shortcodes directly ( ref: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/views-shortcodes/ ).
6. Please note how I've used shortcode [wpv-post-link item="@events-dog.child"]. The "@events-dog.child" value indicates that we want child post's title from the relationship "events-dog" (which is "dog" post type in this case).
If we would've wanted to show the event's title, we could've used [wpv-post-link item="@events-dog.parent"].
7. To show you the result of this view, I've added its shortcode [wpv-view name="view-to-show-all-dogs-related-to-an-event"] in the content part of the event "placement test trial 3 ignore" ( hidden link ).
Its output can be seen on the frontend:
hidden link
8. To include this in your template file "tribe-events/single-event.php" so it is automatically included in all events, you can use it in PHP code like this:
echo do_shortcode( '[wpv-view name="view-to-show-all-dogs-related-to-an-event"]' );
( ref: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/do_shortcode/ )
Using this same example, you can also create a similar view for showing related events on a single dog's page.