Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
There is no direct block or function available for this, so it will require the following steps:
1. You can add an image type term field 'Term Image Icon' from WP Admin -> Toolset -> Custom Fields -> Term Fields.
This will allow you to attach an image icon, with each of your target taxonomy's terms.
2. Next, you can create a taxonomy view that can show the list of the terms attached to the current post. In that list, you can include this image icon from the term field too, along with the term title.
Important note: Taxonomy views are only supported when using the classic views editor. If you're not already using them on the website, you can go to WP Admin -> Toolset -> Settings -> General and select "Show both the legacy and Blocks interface and let me choose which to use for each item I build" option for the "Editing experience".
After that, you'll be able to create a taxonomy view, from WP Admin -> Toolset -> Views.
If you haven't used the classic editor for views before, you'll find the documentation related to its features at:
Here is another forum thread, where the steps for creating a taxonomy view for a similar requirement are explained:
3. In the loop of this taxonomy view, you'll be able to show this image icon from the term field and the title of the term like this:
[types termmeta='term-field-slug' title='%%TITLE%%' alt='%%ALT%%' size='full'][/types] [wpv-taxonomy-title]
Note: You'll replace 'term-field-slug' with your actual field's slug.
Related documentation on shortcodes used:
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need further assistance.