Views is a WordPress plugin that lets you easily customize the standard WordPress listing pages using WordPress archives. You can redesign any WordPress archive, including custom post archives, taxonomy archives, author archives and search results.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us what you have created so far and what you want to achieve.
Viewing 15 topics - 916 through 930 (of 994 total)
woocommerce product archive page doesn't show all products
WooCommerce 3.3 introduces some changes in its API, which require, for example, that a theme declares compatibility in order to do something right. That includes, for example, a legacy way of managing their own product and taxonomy archives, and the product single page.
To do that, please add this line to your active theme:
add_theme_support( 'woocommerce' );
No option to insert custom taxonomy term field
At the moment, you can display term fields on a View listing terms and on a term archive page.
So, if you want to display term fields related to term attached to your post, you need to create taxonomy view and filter it by the term slug or current term in loop and add this taxonomy view as child view to your post view's loop output editor.
The output section of a custom archive is set to display as a 3 column Bootstrap grid, but the grid doesn't work, the results are simply stacked.
Problem: I would like to show a WordPress Archive of Events created by The Events Calendar plugin, but I am not able to sort by event start date or filter by taxonomy.
Solution: The Events Calendar plugin's event start date is stored in a format that is incompatible with Views. The best approach to sort by the event start date is to create another custom field using Types and copy the event start date into the new custom field as a timestamp. Then sort by the custom field instead of the event start date field.