Toolset provides integration with popular themes, allowing you to design layouts for these themes using drag-and-drop, while preserving everything that the themes offer.
The themes that are currently supported are:
Problem: Is Toolset compatible with Divi 4 yet? I see a warning next to Layouts in the installer:
Warning: Declaration of Installer_Upgrader_Skins::feedback($string) should be compatible with WP_Upgrader_Skin::feedback($string, ...$args) in /path/to/site/wp-content/plugins/types/vendor/otgs/installer/includes/class-installer-upgrader-skins.php on line 0
Solution: The major showstopper issue for Divi 4 and Toolset compatibility was addressed in Divi 4.0.5, but there are still some minor compatibility issues outstanding. For that reason, we recommend you do not update to Divi 4 on existing sites. For new sites, you can begin using Divi 4 with Toolset. Furthermore, we recommend you always deactivate Toolset Layouts when using Divi.
Problem: Custom code that should hide Toolset buttons in wp-admin is no longer working as expected.
Solution: Check the linebreak and indentation encoding, there seems to be some issue. Also if you use a custom code snippet in Toolset > Settings, you'll need to increase the priority of the init hook.