Types plugin lets you easily create relationships between different post types and connect them using GUI controls. You can also connect multiple post types and build many-to-many post relationships.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us what you have created so far and the structure that you want to achieve.
Viewing 15 topics - 631 through 645 (of 649 total)
Problem: I'm trying to use Layouts, WPBakery Page Builder, and the Newspaper theme together but I'm not able to get my page templates to appear as expected.
Solution: Toolset Layouts and WPBakery should not be used together, so it's best to deactivate the Layouts plugin. The Newspaper theme doesn't work out-of-the-box with Content Templates, but you can follow the steps in our Theme Support for Content Templates document to help fix that problem.
Add this function name in Toolset > Settings > Frontend Content > Theme support for Content Templates:
Problem: I'm having problems after migrating post relationships into the new system. Some intermediary fields are not working as expected, and some results aren't appearing in Views filtered by post relationship.
Solution: Check the Query Filter of any Views and recreate any post relationship filters using the migrated post relationships. Check the intermediary fields to be sure they are only assigned to one post type before migration.
I am trying to develop a family tree site, so need to be able to create a relationship between two people records to cover marriage and other non-hierarchical relationships.
There isn't exact same feature within Toolset, but there is a workaround with a intermediate post type, see our document:
How do I associate one child with several parents of the same type
Problem: When I filter a View with AJAX, the first result isn't styled correctly.
There is an issue with iterative CSS class names Divi must resolve. Until then, it's best to disable AJAX updates and apply styles with CSS instead of applying module styles in the Content Template with Divi Builder.