Problem: I have a custom field that was not created in Types. Can I use Toolset to display the value of that field?
Solution: It depends on the custom field type and storage method. If it's a simple field value stored in the postmeta table, then you can use the wpv-post-field shortcode to display the value. Complex fields like checkbox groups and other serialized structures are not supported.
Is it possible to make Types select fields repeatable?
No, individual select fields don't have that option.
But, since Types 3, you can create repeatable field groups, so you can create such a group and add a select field to it, and then add as many instances of the field (via its group) as needed.
Client has a hierarchical taxonomy and only wants to show something on parent term archive pages, not child term archive pages. What test can be included in a wpv-conditional shortcode?
You would need to register a custom function that checks whether the current term for the taxonomy archive being viewed has parents or not, which can then be used as the conditional in a wpv-conditional shortcode (after registering the custom function), e.g.
function tssupp_archive_term_is_parent(){
global $wp_query;
$tax = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
return $tax->parent == 0;
Output a custom field value from one page, on all pages
To output custom field belongs to single post and to display it on all posts - you should use Types shortcode to display the custom field with ID attribute.