Views plugin lets you build your own custom search for any content type. These searches can be based on post content, taxonomies and custom fields.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us settings for your custom search.
Viewing 15 topics - 1,981 through 1,995 (of 2,062 total)
Setup a checkbox field in Views custom search form.
I need to add a checkbox (not associated with a types custom field) to a view search form, to use the _GET value in a custom wpv_filter_query, something like "if checkbox is checked then return a list of IDs else return another list of IDs").
It needs to be added into white list of URL parameter, please try these:
Problem: When I filter a View with AJAX, the first result isn't styled correctly.
There is an issue with iterative CSS class names Divi must resolve. Until then, it's best to disable AJAX updates and apply styles with CSS instead of applying module styles in the Content Template with Divi Builder.
Problem: I would like to add pagination controls to my View, but the button is inactive.
Solution: Scroll to the top right corner of the screen. Click "Screen Options" to open the options panel, where you can activate "Pagination and Sliders Settings" and "Search and Pagination". Then you should be able to add pagination settings for your View, including pagination controls.
Views with search form does not return any result.
That view is using option "order by custom field Member name", but none of posts, has value in custom field "Member name", they are empty, that conducts the problem.
If you are going to order the results by a custom fields, all posts should have the value in that custom fields, this is a wordpress limitation
I'd like to display the sticky post first followed by the most recent posts. How can I do that using toolset views?
I suggest you create two post views:
1) The first post view display those sticky posts, with filter:
Select sticky posts only.
2) The second post view display those non-sticky posts, with filter:
Select any post but the sticky ones.