Can you clarify please the difference/s between using Toolset Module Manager or just going to Toolset > Export/Import?
Actually there is a difference.
So with the Module Manager you have the option to create a single export file with different component from each of our Plugins.
Lets say you create a messaging system with Types, Toolset Forms and Views . However you do have other components in each of our plugins but you don't want to export all the different items.
You can create a separate module with each of the items that you create and just export those only.
While with each of the export functionality with Types, Forms and Views you will export all the components and not a specific component that you need.
Problem: I'm trying to use Layouts, WPBakery Page Builder, and the Newspaper theme together but I'm not able to get my page templates to appear as expected.
Solution: Toolset Layouts and WPBakery should not be used together, so it's best to deactivate the Layouts plugin. The Newspaper theme doesn't work out-of-the-box with Content Templates, but you can follow the steps in our Theme Support for Content Templates document to help fix that problem.
Add this function name in Toolset > Settings > Frontend Content > Theme support for Content Templates: