Layouts plugin provides an easy way to integrate with your theme and utilize the power of Bootstrap grid from Layouts instead of the standard WordPress loop.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to give us some information about the theme you are trying to integrate and what you want to achieve.
Problem: I created a map and a marker but the marker does not appear on the map as expected.
Solution: This is an API key issue. If Google Maps API key is restricted by domain, that may not work for users with multiple domains or subdomains. To solve this, you can enter a second API key for Google Maps, in the Toolset settings.
When added, this second key is used exclusively for server-side requests. This means it is never exposed in HTML and does not need restrictions.
If you want extra security, you can restrict it, but only by IP addresses, not by domains.
I'm wondering if this is why when I put a custom class into the Layouts CSS and JS, it doesn't affect the site, but when I put the same custom CSS in the Astra Customizer the style does apply.
I am loading Bootstrap using Twitter Bootstrap for WordPress plugin - don't know if that's relevant.
Is there a way to get the style sheet working so that my Layouts CSS and JS gets loaded to the whole site?
I suggest you use Toolset's setting instead of other Bootstrap plugin:
Dashboard-> Toolset-> Settings-> Bootstrap loading, in section "Bootstrap loading", choose option "Toolset should load Bootstrap 3.0".
Toolset Settings > Layouts for "Load Custom CSS added using Layouts." set this to "On all pages"
Problem: After a recent update, my plugins were deactivated and reactivated. Now the Product Layout isn't working correctly and I see 404 errors for several pages.
The issue here is that the user was using the fusion builder custom query block to display the posts on a page but wanted to add the custom fields that are attached to those posts.
The problem is that the query widget is separate from the module being used the display custom fields.
In this case it won't work, unless you are able to customize the output of the Post Query and add this code to that query.
This is why it is not working because it is not able to get any post information from the post query. Why not recreate this setup in views ?
If not what I recommend that you do is contact the plugin author and see if it is possible to customize the output, this way we might be able to get the ID to pass into the shortcode.
I would highly recommend using views for this as this is exactly what views is meant to do.