Layouts plugin provides an easy way to integrate with your theme and utilize the power of Bootstrap grid from Layouts instead of the standard WordPress loop.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to give us some information about the theme you are trying to integrate and what you want to achieve.
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The Layouts plugin works with any theme. If your theme is not integrated with Layouts, you can use it to design the content part, just like with a classic page-builder.
However, if your theme is integrated with Layouts, you are able to create layout templates for whole post types and design every part of your site, including the header, content, sidebars, and footer.
I made a custom layout where I set it to be in just the content area. Attached is a screenshot of the settings of the layout. I wanted the custom layout in the content area only of the theme's layout, leaving the header, footer and sidebar as they are in the original theme.
it seems to be a CSS conflict, I have done below modification, edit the layout "Layout for Funeral Music", edit the visual editor cell of row 1, change the codes in it from:
You can use the Beaver Builder with Views to create Content Templates for single custom posts in Views and design the output with Beaver Builder and later on with Layouts you can use the content template cell to add such designed content template to your layout. You will not be allowed to use Beaver Builder page builder with Layouts and its expected.
1) Edit the page "Registrazione NCC", section "Post Group", choose option as :
No Post Group selected.
2) Dashboard-> Toolset-> Access Control-> CRED form
in section "CRED Users Frontend Access",
find "Create Custom User with CRED Form "Registrazione NCC"", enable option for guest user.
Problem: I would like to use Layouts with the OnePress theme to design my CPT single post page.
Solution: With OnePress and most other themes, Layouts will allow you to design the main content area of a CPT post. The main content area is shown in the screenshot below as an orange box. Everything outside that box is controlled by your theme, and Layouts is not able to control it. Some other themes have integrated their Theme Options into Layouts, allowing more control over the page design. OnePress is not fully integrated yet. So to disable the page header and post title outside the box, you must use custom CSS to hide that content.