Toolset lets you develop truly custom sites, including WooCommerce, Membership and Directory/Classifieds sites.
Visit our dedicated tutorials to learn how to build each of these sites using Toolset:
Problem: Automatic updates are not working and I'm seeing an error that says my subscription is not valid.
Solution: Manually install the latest plugins, unregister the site, and delete the site key on Then create a new site key and register Toolset on your site again.
Using Toolset form commerce to submit the form and post custom fields, should be great to have the possibility to call this data in the Woocommerce cart page.
My partner don't have access to the backend and to my-order custom post, but only to the detail of woocommerce order.
You can consider the Woocommerce filter hook woocommerce_cart_item_name, see details here:
Using Toolset form commerce to submit the form and post custom meta fields, how to add the meta also to the order in wordpress admin side.
There isn't such kind of feature within Toolset plugins, it needs custom codes, You might consider the action hook "woocommerce_checkout_create_order_line_item" of Woocommerce plugin, for example: