CRED plugin allows you to build forms that create child posts and set parents for these posts, supporting the parent-child relationship functionality from Types plugin.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the structure of your content and the relationship between the content types.
Viewing 15 topics - 406 through 420 (of 466 total)
The issue here is that the user was trying to get a value from the URL parameter but it wasn't working.
In this user's case they did not set the correct url parameter attribute in their form field.
For this user they had urlparam="the-profile-id" as the form attribute url parameter but they are passing "the-hr-profile-id" in the url.
So the correct item should be urlparam="the-hr-profile-id". In a form field it would look like.
[cred_field field="@hr-profiles_wtn-document.parent" value="" urlparam="the-hr-profile-id" class="form-control" output="bootstrap" select_text="--- not set ---"]
I cant create field type that show custom field from parent post
You can use [wpv-search-trem] shortcode to catch the URL param from URL to display the parent field value based on parent ID passed to URL param.
Problem: I would like to create a custom taxonomy term select system in a Form. The parent terms should be listed in one custom select field, and each group of child terms should be listed in a separate select field.
Use generic fields to produce the conditional select fields of parent and child terms. Then use the Forms API to capture the selected parent and child terms and store them using wp_set_object_terms.
On the front-end, you can use a View of terms filtered by term ID, supplied by a shortcode attribute, to display information about the selected child term.
Problem: I have two one-to-many post relationships that create a grandparent, parent, and child post. I have a Form that lets Users create child posts for a specific parent post. I would like to create a conditional group in the Form based on a field in the grandparent post.
Solution: Try this custom code in your child theme's functions.php file, or in a new snippet in Toolset > Settings > Custom code:
I setup a relationship between two post types. When editing a child in the backend of WP I can set the parent just fine. When I'm crafting the form to front-end edit the child post, I cannot figure out how to add the field for the relationship parent picker.
It is a known issue of Types plugin 3.2.2, which is fixed in the latest version of version 3.2.3.
make a new post form (child object) and i want in that form to be able to connect with a parent post (one to many rel.)
So it is your custom JS codes errors prevent Toolset form from working, I suggest you debug your codes manually, or you can remove them and test again.