Toolset Reference Sites are fully working sites, which you can use as the starting point for client projects.
Toolset Classifieds is a framework with optional paid content for building WordPress classifieds sites. Among other features, it offers advanced search, front-end submission and optional paid ads.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us what you have built so far and what you want to achieve.
A reference site cannot be installed with the Framework Installer.
If the installation gets stuck during the install process it is a sign that the server settings for timeout and/or memory are inadequate and need increasing.
The issue here is that the user had a view filter that is currently being filtered by the URL parameter but wanted to re-use this same view and then filter it by a shortcode parameter with the same filter.
My View is very very slow on loading.
It has a few images in it only.
The issue for this load time is usually due to Custom Image Sizes loaded in the View on the fly.
For example the ShortCode "[wpv-post-featured-image size="custom" width="400" height="283" crop="true"]".
Replace that ShortCode using the "Fields and Views" button and do not use a Custom Size.
Instead, use a predefined Size.
Then the problem will be gone.
If you miss some sizes apart of the default one, you can register a new Custom Size in your theme.
After you do that, all images that you upload to WordPress will have as well this new custom size.
That can then be picked to use with the ShortCode of the Featured Image or other images as well.
Problem: It seems like the Package Order number is incorrect on the Classifieds site "Manage My Listing Packages" page. It shows the WooCommerce Order number minus 1. It seems like these should be the same number.
Solution: The reason these numbers are different is that WooCommerce "Orders" and post type "Packages" are not the same thing. In the admin area, these two concepts are represented by two different Post Types - the WooCommerce Order and the Package post type. They are related, but not identical. Orders are used by WooCommerce to track purchases, Packages are used in the system to manage advertisements. The reason the numbers are sequential is because these two things are created sequentially when you submit the CRED Commerce form and then checkout, and WordPress uses sequential numeric IDs. A hidden field connects these two posts in the database so the Package can be updated automatically when the Order status changes.
You can see the two different items by going to WooCommerce > Orders, or by going to Packages > All items.