Access is a WordPress plugin that lets you add custom roles and control their privileges.
Access User Guides include detailed documentation for controlling what actions different roles and users can do on content and what WordPress admin screens users can access.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 15 topics - 781 through 795 (of 935 total)
The issue here is that the user wanted to restrict content in a page by single user.
You Can do this however it will be done in the opposite way. Now you can add a Post to a post group, Restrict the permissions on the group for a specific role, then you can add your users individually that you want to have permissions to the page itself.
So those who are not on the list wont be able to access the page.
Problem: I have a custom select field. When admins edit a post in wp-admin, they can change the field selection successfully. When Users with a custom role edit the same post, the custom field resets and nothing is selected.
Solution: In this case, it appears that HTML in the field content (value) is the main problem. Replace HTML in the field content with a basic number, then resave the posts if needed.