The Toolset map and filter functionality on your site has become very slow, making it nearly unusable. Users report that they don't wait long enough for the filter to complete, assuming it's not working.
Switch to Page Reload Mode:
- Instead of using AJAX-based filtering, switch to page reload mode. This provides clear feedback to users as they see the page reloading, which helps avoid confusion.
- To do this, go to Toolset > Views, edit your View, and under Search Settings, choose Reload the page when submitting the search.
Optimize Website Performance:
- Check your hosting plan and ensure it meets the resource demands of your site.
- Use a caching plugin such as WP Rocket or LiteSpeed Cache to speed up the initial page load.
- Optimize your database using WP-Optimize to remove unnecessary post revisions, transient options, and spam comments.
- Compress and optimize images with plugins like Smush or Imagify to reduce load time.
Display posts on a page that share the same taxonomy term as the page itself (e.g., both are tagged with "Seattle").
Create a View:
- Go to Toolset > Views.
- Create a new View called "Related Content."
- Select the post types (e.g., posts and pages) to display in the View.
Set the Query Filter:
- In the Query Filter section of the View, add a filter for the taxonomy (e.g., "Locations").
- Choose "Select posts with taxonomy:
Locations the same as the current archive page".
Add the View to the Template:
- Edit the archive page template in Toolset or your theme.
- Add the View block or shortcode to the template where you want the related posts to display.