Problem: When I activate the Layouts plugin, I see the Relationship Form table take over the entire screen and I am unable to use wp-admin.
Solution: Be sure your server meets the minimum requirements for Toolset, especially the eval function and the mbstring extension. Download fresh copies of the plugins from your account downloads area, then delete the plugins from your server and install from clean downloads.
Problem: I would like to use two loops in the same View. I would like to use the first loop to create tab buttons, and the second loop to create tab panels.
Solution: It's not currently possible to use multiple loops in the same View, so you must create two Views.
There is a small number of cases where the relationship (deliberately) does not exist. I would like, in these cases, to provide generic text to note this.
If the relationship (deliberately) does not exist, the shortcode [wpv-post-id id="$ecotypes-main-theme"] will output the current post ID, so you can use it to compare with shortcode [wpv-post-id], for example:
[wpv-conditional if="( '[wpv-post-id id="$ecotypes-main-theme"]' eq '[wpv-post-id]' )"]
relationship (deliberately) does not exist.
In a post view, querying child posts, the client is going to order the result by parent post title.
Unfortunately, there isn't such a built-in feature, you can only order the result by fields of the child posts, you can not order the result by fields of other post type.
Problem: I want to design an Archive layout which will apply to all pages. So on the main Member Profiles archive page, a user can click on one of the taxonomy terms and see the same archive layout for all members who have that taxonomy term selected. And finally, once it is designed, I want to use a shortcode to place the archive view in my pages.
- WordPress automatically generates archives for custom post types and for custom taxonomy terms. You can customize the archive pages using Toolset's WordPress Archives feature.
- A Toolset WordPress Archive can be applied to a custom post type archive, and also to a taxonomy archive. So yes, you can create one WordPress Archive and use it for both.
- You can insert taxonomy term links in each post in the archive using the wpv-post-taxonomy shortcode. In the Loop Editor section, you will have the ability to insert the shortcode in the wpv-loop tags. When a User clicks one of these terms they will be redirected to the corresponding term archive.
- WordPress Archives cannot be inserted with a shortcode, because they are designed to be displayed only on archive pages. Since these are generated automatically by WordPress, no shortcode is provided. If you want to create similar lists of posts and display them on other parts of your site besides the archive pages, you can create filtered Views that return the same results. You can copy the code from the Loop of your WordPress Archive and apply it to the Loop of your filtered View.
Problem: I would like to display a toggle field in a Form.
Solution: Types and Forms do not currently offer a toggle type custom field, but you may be able to use custom CSS to style the basic radio fields to look like a toggle.
The issue here is that the user wasn't seeing the repeated field groups button to create a new repeatable field group.
Are you currently using any Post Relationship with Types ? If so then it might be that its using the old structure before our 3.0 update and this would cause the RFG to not show up.
Could you perform the Migration by clicking on the relationship tab in Toolset?
The issue here is that the user's Forms are not showing on the frontend, instead the wrong content for the page is being shown.
For this user they created the Page to hold the form with the same slug as one of their archive page, so instead of the page with the form showing, the archive is being displayed instead.
Please ensure that the page that you are using has a unique slug.