I would like to create a information module dislaying item specs that can filter and compare items similar to the below:
hidden link
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
The Toolset Views plugin can be used to show posts with the front-end search filters, as explained in this guide:
However, for a comparison tool like the one you refer to, some customization ( through PHP, HTML, CSS, and Javascript code ), will be needed.
You can pass on the post IDs of the target comparison posts through the URL parameter to a new page, which includes a content template, that shows the field data from those posts accordingly.
I hope this helps and for more personalized assistance around custom code, you can also consider hiring a professional from our list of recommended contractors:
What if I utilize Woocommerce and a comparison plugin and filter. Would I be able to add custom fields with Toolset to be filled in Woocomerce products and dislpayed to clients on frontend. Clients only sees the info filled by me as specs (custom fields), not something they have to fill. So woocommerce becomes a catalogue.
Yes, this can also work.
Using the Toolset Types plugin, you can attach custom fields to the products post type:
After that you'll be able to show the values stored in those custom fields in the comparison table's template ( ref: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-products-compare/#section-5 ), using Toolset Fields API: