Hi Jason,
Thank you for contacting us.
It seems that our chat got disconnected, by I'll be happy to share the steps that we discussed through this support ticket.
To collect changes suggestions from visitors, so that they can then be reviewed by the administrator manually, you can follow these steps:
1. Create a new post type (for example "Change Requests"), which will store all individual change requests submitted by the visitors.
( ref: https://toolset.com/documentation/getting-started-with-toolset/structure-your-data-with-custom-post-types-fields-and-taxonomies/#create-custom-post-types-from-the-toolset-dashboard )
2. For that new custom post type, you can add a new custom field group, that will include a "Post Reference Field" connected to the "Meetings" post type (i.e. the post type for which you're collecting change requests).
Following are some guides on adding custom fields groups and specifically a "Post Reference Field":
3. Next, you can create a new Toolset form, to add a new "Change Requests" post type item.
( ref: https://toolset.com/documentation/getting-started-with-toolset/publish-content-from-the-front-end/forms-for-creating-content/ )
4. This new form will need just two fields:
a). the post reference field, to select the post to recommend changes for
b). the post's content field, where the visitor can add message/details of what changes he/she is suggesting
5. You can then set a post email notification for this form so that when a visitor submits a new change request, the admin can get an email notification for it.
( ref: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/automated-email-notifications-with-cred/ )
6. If specific changes are approved, the admin can then update the actual post, accordingly.
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance around this.