I am trying to: Use Blocks to display the featured image of my posts
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I expected to see: The featured image
Instead, I got: Nothing on the front end and the message "This dynamic source returned no content" on the back end.
Since updating to Blocks V1.0 the dynamically assigned featured images content are no longer working. As far as I can tell, all of the existing ones are displaying the error message "This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed". Using the image block or the single field block to select the current post (or any posts) featured image results in the no content error message. However, if I use the shortcode block and the views shortcode
[wpv-post-featured-image size="medium"]
then it works just fine in a view, but nothing works in a content template.
If you look at the content templates for the developments and the properties you will see the featured image issues.
Stranger still, I have messed around with the image block error, and converting it to a group and then back brings the preview back and the backend looks fine, but it will still not render on the front end.
I've tested it with other image types and all except one (floor plans) produce the same result. The floor plans are identical, just a custom image field, but they use pngs not jpegs. But this is almost certainly unrelated as I have tried setting some featured image to png and it makes no difference.
I cannot understand why it will not pull the correct image data. I have cleared caches, removed and re-added the featured images, rebuilt the views, disabled other plugins, nothing seems to make a difference. The url provided is using the views shortcode to generate the featured image shown.