I referenced https://toolset.com/documentation/customizing-sites-using-php/displaying-repeating-fields-one-kind/ but wasn't certain if it was for the new repeating fields or the old way of doing things.
I have a repeating field group with a Textfield and a Numeric field and I want to get that field group's data for the current post.
Screenshot: hidden link (expires in 1 month)
Which PHP function do I use?
Thank you.
The Repeating Field groups is based on post type, each instance of Field group is a single post, for example:
1) You need to get the related posts first, you can use Types new API functiontoolset_get_related_posts () to get the related posts of repeating field group:
You will be able to get the related post IDs
2) Then use post ID to get the post meta value, render each post's custom field with Types function types_render_field():
More help:
See screenshot:
hidden link
I get the post IDs from `toolset_get_related_posts()` but what do I use within `foreach`?
`types_render_field()` takes the custom field slug but can't take a specific Post ID, correct?
So does this mean I need to use `get_post_meta()`, or does Types have such a function?
Regarding https://toolset.com/documentation/customizing-sites-using-php/post-relationships-api/#toolset_get_related_posts
It would be nice if the arguments were ordered/numbered list instead of unordered/bullet list
Thanks for the help.
Yes, you can specific the post_id parameter in Types function "types_render_field()", for example:
types_render_field('my-field-slug', array('post_id' => '123'));
For ordered/numbered list issue, I will forward it to our editor as a request.
Just what I needed. Thank you.
I am still a bit unclear how this is documented at https://toolset.com/documentation/customizing-sites-using-php/functions/#textfield though. Guess I'm just not following along.
Anyway, due to the bug reported at https://toolset.com/forums/topic/output-repeater-fields-in-their-drag-and-drop-order-in-wp-admin-edit-screen/#post-908851, I ended up having to extend the function's arguments so I could get to the $orderby parameter (see attached screenshot). So please do fix that.
Thanks for the help!
I saw a version update come through but the changelog was vague, and I couldn't find any changelog on your site. Was this bug fixed in this latest update?