Thank you for waiting, I did some testing around how LearnDash handles the connection between the certificates and the course.
On my test website, I was able to get the value of a custom field added by Toolset Types ( e.g. 'irs-certificate-info' ) from the Course, into the certificate, dynamically.
In the active theme's 'functions.php' file, I included this code:
// get ID of the course by Title
function custom_get_course_id_by_title( string $title = '' ): int {
$posts = get_posts(
'post_type' => 'sfwd-courses',
'title' => $title,
'numberposts' => 1,
'update_post_term_cache' => false,
'update_post_meta_cache' => false,
'orderby' => 'post_date ID',
'order' => 'ASC',
'fields' => 'ids'
return empty( $posts ) ? get_the_ID() : $posts[0];
// Get course field value shortcode
add_shortcode('custom_get_course_field_value', 'custom_get_course_field_value_func');
function custom_get_course_field_value_func($atts) {
$data = shortcode_atts( array(
'field' => ''
), $atts );
$course_title = do_shortcode('[courseinfo show="course_title"]');
$course_id = custom_get_course_id_by_title($course_title);
$course_field_value = do_shortcode("[types field='".$data['field']."' suppress_filters='true' item='".$course_id."'][/types]");
return $course_field_value;
This registers a custom shortcode [custom_get_course_field_value] that accepts the attribute 'field', to specify the slug of the target field.
For example, to get the value from the course field with slug 'irs-certificate-info', you can use this shortcode in your certificate builder:
[custom_get_course_field_value field='irs-certificate-info']
I've tested this to work successfully, when the certificate is downloaded from the course page and the quiz page, after successful completion of the course/quiz.
Note: Please make sure that the course, quiz, and certificates are correctly selected in each other's settings.
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