After making the translation from Greek to English in a content template with WPML and using Views to present it, the image dissapears.
Here is the example of waht i am saying...
Original in Greek: hidden link
Translated with advanced translated editor: hidden link
You can see the image missing.
Thanks for the details, I can see the problem in your website:
hidden link
And I have checked the HTML source codes, the image is using below HTML codes:
<img src="" alt="%%tb-image-alt-text%%" class="%%tb-image-wp-image-class%%"/>
Please provide detail step to duplicate the same problem:
How do you setup and display the image field?
If it is a custom image field created with Toolset Types plugin, you can follow our document to display it with Types shortcode for example:
[types field="my-image" size="thumbnail"][/types]
More help:
The filed is created with an image block with no special formatting.
Should i delete it and recreate it your way ?
I assume we are talking about WordPress built-in image block, I suggest you try to follow WordPress document to setup the image block again:
hidden link
And follow WPML document to translate it:
No, we are talking about Toolset Views Image Block.
Should i use the standard WordPress image block ?
I am sorry, i forgot.
I want to use a dynamic image block and not a standard wordpress image block.
This page is a person's personal profile page, so i need a dynamic image block to present each person's image.
Here is the code created from the Toolset image
[tb-dynamic-container provider='__current_post' source='toolset_custom_field|plirofories-didaskonton' field='fotografia-didaskontes']<div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="tb-image" data-toolset-blocks-image="ec6f5041-7157-4cda-8504-7027473248de"><img src="[tb-dynamic provider='__current_post' post='current' source='toolset_custom_field|plirofories-didaskonton' field='fotografia-didaskontes' force-string='first' ]" alt="%%tb-image-alt-text%%" class="%%tb-image-wp-image-class%%"/></figure></div>[/tb-dynamic-container]
I assume we are talking about a custom image field "fotografia-didaskontes", I just tried it in my localhost with a fresh wordpress installation + the latest version of Toolset plugins + WPML plugins, it works fine.
How do you translate the post and and image?
Can you provide detail steps for duplicate the same problem?
Also check these:
1) You are using the latest version of Toolset plugins + WPML plugins in your website,
2) Then translate the post, and test again,
1) I use the latest verion of all plugins
2) I don't translate the image (since it is a person's photo it doesn't need translation). I use the WPML's Media translation plugin to keep the same image file.
Do you want me to provide you login credentials to see more details ?
Thank you
Yes, I have tried it again with WPML's Media translation plugin, it works fine.
So the problem you mentioned above is abnormal, please check these:
1) In case it is a compatibility problem, please deactivate all other plugins, and switch to wordpress default theme 2019, deactivate all custom PHP/JS code snippets, and test again
2) Also check if there is any PHP/JS error in your website:
3) If the problem still persists, please provide database dump file(ZIP file) of your website, also point out the problem page URL, I need to test and debug it in my localhost, thanks
I have tried the sql file in my locahost, it is not valid, I get a lots of mysql errors, and can not import the SQL files, please follow our document to provide the duplicator package, you can make the database only package by following their document:
hidden link
section "SETTINGS":
Database Build This is the mode that the database SQL file is created in.
Private message box enabled again.
Couldn't i just provide you with login credentials?
I will get a backup of the website first.
It is not recommended to debug in a live production website, and your website are using other plugins and theme, might be some unexpected compatibility issue in it, so the duplicator package will be better.
Private message box enabled again. thanks
I tried and is seems like Duplicator is not working well, and i can't provide you with the propper file. I will continued trying it today, but it might not work.
If i provide you with a UpdraftPlus database backup, is it usable for you ?
thank you.
OK, please provide UpdraftPlus database backup, Private message box enabled again.