On a single page for a CPT, I want to make view for custom texonomy. When I make view, only options are various CPTs and texonomies are not among the available options.
From old support tickets archives I did find relevant solution:
"Please elaborate the question with more details.
Where do you want display the "taxonomy"?
Are you going to setup a view block and query terms of the custom taxonomy?
If it is, you are right, the view block does not support taxonomy, you will need try to setup the view with classic editor, for example:
Dashboard-> Toolset-> Settings-> General,
In section "Editing experience", enable option " Show both the legacy and Blocks interface and let me choose which to use for each item I build".
Dashboard-> Toolset-> Views, setup the taxonomy view, and test again"
I have tried above but it did not work. Only thing happened was that "Dashboard-> Toolset-> Views" becomes visible. Previously "views" was not at that place. So I opened views from here but it did not allow me to edit the relevant view.
And then I tried to edit template where I wanted to add the view but view cannot be made based on any texonomy. So please help.