Hi there,
It used to be the case that Toolset had three core plugins: Types, Views, and Layouts. These three sets of assets could be exported via Toolset > Export / Import.
I'm using Blocks now and have enabled the legacy Views. When I visit Toolset > Export / Import, the only things I can export or import are "Types" and "Associations." My question is, is there a way I can export the views so that I can import them into another site? (This is necessary so I can develop on one computer and easily import settings onto a production server.) Another way of asking this question is, how can I sync the views between two different websites?
Hi Saul,
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
If you just need to export/import the classic/legacy views (and not Blocks based views), from one website to another, you can use the Toolset Module Manager, plugin as explained in this guide:
This plugin can be downloaded from the legacy tab on the Toolset's download page:
To maintain changes across the development and the staging websites as a whole, you can use a backup/restore or migration plugin.
While you can use any WordPress plugin for this, these are the ones that we officially use and recommend:
Thanks for your reply, Waqar. I'm aware there's a WP CLI plugin for Toolset (I have contributed code to it). Does the Toolset Module Manager have a WP CLI interface?
Thanks for writing back.
The WP CLI interface for the Toolset Module Manager is not available, and since this plugin is given a legacy status, it is highly unlikely that it will receive any new features.
OK, thanks for your help, Waqar! I appreciate it.