Tell us what you are trying to do?
Please have a look at the hidden link
We would like to customize the Woocommerce archive pages to display the available products (paraglide wings) similar to the way products are listed in a comparison table on Glider Base website.
To replicate what we would like to do follow below steps:
1. Under "manufacturers" click on "Advance"
2. All products (wings) for the "Advance" category is now displayed
3. Click on "Alpha 6" products
4. All the variations of "Alpha 6" which is a product in its own right is displayed in a comparison table with a static headings column on the left
We need this to happen for hidden link on the "Paraglider Wings" page. We are currently using WOOF filter plugin
Thanks for asking! I'd be happy to help.
While Toolset can be used to customize the design/layout of WordPress Archives ( ref: ), there is no built-in feature to show WooCommerce product variations, as on the Gliderbase website.
To achieve that, you'll need either code customizations or third-party plugins similar to:
hidden link
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance around this.
We dont want to use variations but rather display each product variation as a individual entity. As example if i was selling a shirt that is Nike brand, I would have 5 individual products that is the same shirt and brand, but in different colours. We are also open to moving away from Woocommerce and completely building a new Post Type specifically for Paralgliders with custom filters. The idea behind the site is to provide clients a platform to compare and filter gliders. Reason we initially used Woocommerce is that the WOOF filter words well and the product compare feature we need.
1. Is it possible based on above info to build a similiar filter
2. Is it possible to build a similiar comparison table?
Thanks for writing back and for sharing further details.
At the backend, WooCommerce does save each product's variation as a separate/individual entity. But Unfortunately, using Toolset you can only show a list of products through views, but not those individual product variations. That's the reason why I suggested checking out those third-party plugins which can get data from those individual product variations.
If you're open to moving away from WooCommerce, you can register a new post type "Products" and "Product Variations" and then link them up using a one-to-many relationship ( ref: ), since each product can have multiple variations based on sizes, as it is on Gliderbase website.
After that, you'll be able to create post view(s) with filters like "Manufacturer" which can be a custom taxonomy attached to the "Products" post type.
In summary, it may be possible to create filters and comparison tables similar to the Gliderbase website with or without WooCommerce. However, since these features are not offered by Toolset out-of-the-box, it will require a fair deal of customization and familiarity with custom PHP, HTML, CSS & JS code.
You can also find a professional who is experienced with WooCommerce and these code customizations from our list of recommended contractors at: