I am currently working on redesigning my website on a test site. I have a custom post type with custom fields, and everything has been style with a content template for this custom post type. However, the checkbox display is driving me crazy. You can see a sample page here: hidden link The link for "Order Customs...." is a checkbox. When checked, it displays this link, and that works great. I originally had the separator bar | in the original output. I went to custom fields, pulled up the checkbox info, and I took out the separator Value to Show and Value to Store so it's just the html code for the link. Image attached to show this.
But yet, on the output page (hidden link), it still shows the separator before the link. Is there somewhere else this is programmed in? I have double checked to make sure I didn't type a | in the content template, but there isn't one. I have even tried to add the word 'test' before the URL in the custom post type Value to Show, but nothing changes on the display/output page. I've included a screenshot of the content template also.
One other question regarding this particular page output (hidden link). I have searched and searched and searched and cannot make the post navigation code go away at the bottom of the view. See attached. I used custom CSS to hide all bottom post navigation, but it still shows a place holder and the code for it when inspecting.
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
Based on the information you've shared, it seems that for this post "Lucy", the checkbox field was checked, when the separator "|" was included in the field's settings.
Now that it is removed from the settings, any posts where this checkbox field will be checked, won't include the separator in the value stored in the database. To fix older posts, you can open their post edit screens and save the checkbox option again, and then save the post. This will update the checkbox field value stored in the database for them.
As for the post navigation HTML, it seems to be coming from the active theme "Storefront". You can consult its official support or documentation to see how it can be disabled.