I am having a problem displaying CONSISTENT display result over different browsers in different OS.
I use Chrome, Firefox, and Safari on Mac and Chrome and Firefox on PC and iPhone (safari) to develop the site
One of my view has custom css written directly view's css editor. I thought this place has the highest priority.
However, what's write in here doesn't reflect in Chrome on PC and Safari on Mac, and Safari on Phone.
I thought my site was broken. I tried to view in different browsers and they work fine. However, I cannot fix the problem no matter what I do for those browser I have problem with. I ended up copy & pasted the css on wordpress > appearance > customize > additional css. By doing this, I finally was able to display the site the same across the browsers.
Why is this happening? No to mention, I cleared cache on caching plugin, and all browsers, reboot browsers, even rebooted devices for few times. but, nothing helped.
Tell us what you are trying to do?
How can I make sure css works properly and make things simple. Similar issue happened on my other site as well. for that site, css on view loads the last so, when you load the page, it always loads funny like 0.5 seconds.
I sometimes need place css in different places like customize > additional css, pagebuilder custom css(beaver builder) or tool set view css editor. I am looking for a way to organize css and I don't have to fight over default css to over write.
I always thought css editor on view is convenient because I can organize css on view basis, but not reliable and works little funky.
Please explain why and provide me a permanent solution.
I develop these problem page with default gutenberg editor with toolset blog and directly nest view short code.
I need a help.
Thank you.