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[Closed] Conditional filters or ways to go around

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I have a listing of locations accessible to disabled people. Most of the places are in Canada, but few ones are in France. For now, I am using only 1 taxonomy with all 120 countries / provinces / regions / and cities, which makes it hard to search in, and it's even worse for disabled people.

So I've swithed for multiple taxonomies Countries / Canadian Provinces / Provinces regions / Cities for each regions.

I tried to have conditional filters, but I understand it's not possible.
So I first thought of doing a template and using conditional, but templates only work with saved data, not dynamic user input. Then, I thoug of doing a CRED form (without the sending button), which allows me to create as many conditional as I want, leading me to show the specific view of the Country / Province / Region selected.

The thing is that just with Canada, I have 10 provinces with 10-15 regions each, which means I would have to create between 120 to 150 differents views (with the region cities specific filter).

And finally, I have the same issues with the categories related to the locations. I have 1 main taxonomy with all categories (ex: Food, Entertainment / Shopping....), and then, for each of the 18 categories, I have another taxonomies with sub-categories (ex : Shopping / Clothes)

Is there any way I could do this in a simplier way? Should I change for fields? Would I have more option then?

What is the link to your site?
hidden link

Thanks! 🙂


Hi Catherine,

Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.

Your observation is correct and a multi-level conditional or hierarchal search between different taxonomies is not supported. This means that the terms in one taxonomy can't be linked to the terms of the other one.

But there is a workaround that you can use, in this case. In the view's search settings, you can enable the setting to hide the options, which can't produce any results.
( example screenshot attached )

As a result, whenever a user will select an option in one field of the search form, for example, a 'country', the view's search form will be updated to show only the options in other fields, for which some results exist.

And as long as you've added the correct taxonomy terms to the posts, the available search options will naturally keep narrowing down to only the relevant options (e.g. for the 'provinces', 'regions' etc. )

I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance with this.



Hello Waqar,
I think my version of Toolset is not enough, because the option don't shows up. I'll update the plugin and try again


If you're not seeing the search settings section on your view's edit screen, you can turn it on from the "Screen Options" drawer at the top.
( example screenshot attached )


Hi Waqar,
I still need help, but won't be able to work on this for the next two weeks. Can we keep it open?
Catherine 🙂


Sure, please take your time and this ticket will stay open for a couple of weeks.

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