I am trying to setup a conditional block when designing a wordpress archive template for a custom post type.
I am getting an error message, saying "INCOMPLETE CONDITION" (see screenshot)
It turns out I have sucessfully implemented the very same condition in another part of the site (in a standard page I inserted a view displaying the same custom type post content)
(I did some other testing and it seems like no matter what condition I will setup when selecting the field group for that custom post type as "source" I will get this "incomplete condition" statement)
I have recorded a quick screencast to show you what it is all about:
hidden link
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
I was able to reproduce this behavior on my test website too, and it seems to happen only with the conditional block used inside the WordPress Archives and not the post views.
The good news is that despite this message in the conditional block's preview in the admin area, the block's output shows correctly on the front-end.
Thank you for bringing this forward. I've passed on these findings to the concerned team and will keep you updated through this ticket.
I can't see this issue, unfortunately
Would you mind providing me with a copy of that site?
I can see the issue on the site, but I can't confirm this happens locally, and the online site is too slow for debugging, it does not complete to save the archive, as it is stuck at "server requests"
Waqar was able to replicate this, I'll ask him for a copy.
Ok, I've found it.
You can solve this issue for now by unassigning the Custom Field Group, of which you use the fields in your Conditional, from any Post type.
This means, in Toolset > Custom Fields > The Group with the Fields you use in Conditionals > Edit, just remove any Post type where this field groups should appear on.
This means the group will then appear on all Post types, but also, it will then work properly in the GUI when adding conditionals.
Or, you can leave this as is, as the actual conditional works, and await our update to fix the backend GUI
I've re-assigned this ticket to Waqar, he's on vacation, but we will keep you in the loop either way.
Thanks Beda, I have unassigned the custom field group and it works.
And thanks for keeping me in the loop too!
The side effect I have just noticed is that I need to set up some fields as "not required", otherwise I have to input dummy values in order to be able to save the post (I am referring to saving posts whose post type is not the custom post type that the custom field group was used to be assigned to).