Views plugin provides an API, making it easy to display Views output using PHP.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us all related information about your View and the data that you want to display using the Views API.
Viewing 15 topics - 346 through 360 (of 375 total)
Whenever I ues Custom ShortCodes in HTML conditionals, then the conditions fail, and do not even output debug information anymore if `debug="true"` is set.
To use Custom ShortCodes (or ShortCodes of other Themes/Plugins) in HTML Conditionals, you need to register those ShortCodes first in Toolset > Settings > Front end content > Third-party shortcode arguments.
I am building a custom search with custom search form where I have a range slider for number filter. I am able to get the range slider working with jQuery and jQuery UI properly on desktop. However, the range slider do not respond to touch event on mobile.
It is a custom JS codes (range slider) with iPhone device problem, according to our support policy, we don't provide custom support
How this works is that it gives you the shortcode [current_language id='[wpv-post-id]' part='display_name'] this should give you the correct information.
Also you can add the code for the shortcode in the toolset custom code section under Toolset -> Settings -> Custom Code.